The Damm Good Marketing Podcast


Why are my landing pages not converting?

Most people encounter your brand through landing pages. But in the excitement of showing off (as you should), you may be tempted to go overboard… and end up forgetting about the people on the other side—your customers!

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What’s my first step in building a personal brand?

Is Elon Musk a gifted man of science or an evil genius? The answer to the question depends entirely on your perception, a perception that is central to his personal brand. In the context of brand marketing, you absolutely cannot leave a room without hearing the word 'personal brand' casually thrown around. And yet, why isn't everyone successful at building one?

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Is there a right way to do email marketing?

Emails, emails everywhere, not a single one worth reading. Out of 50 emails of all shapes, forms, and varieties, we receive each day, we probably read one. The recipe for a good email consists of some ingredients- like understanding exactly who you want to speak to, knowing in depth the subject you're writing about, and giving people the 'hook' so they have a reason to pay attention.

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Why do my digital marketing efforts keep failing?

Welcome back! It’s season 2, and we’re starting, as always, with the big questions. If you’ve had failed digital marketing experiences, it is only natural to be unsure about trying it again. In this episode, we discuss why some things fail, and others succeed, with seemingly no explanation offered.

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Illustrations by Tanaya Parkhi. Content by, well, us.