The Damm Good Marketing Podcast


Season 1 Finale- Much Ado About Digital Marketing?

All mentions of the metaverse aside, this one's a very 'meta' episode. For the final episode of this season, we look back at what we said during the season and test whether that advice still holds.

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How do I knock my marketing goals out of the park?

Over time, Hasita's favourite marketing saying has become this- most people do not have marketing goals, they have marketing dreams. Marketing campaigns can (and should) be creative and fun and even a bit outrageous. Marketing goals, however, need to be rooted in reality, plain hard facts, and be oftentimes, boring.

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How can I make Instagram do the heavy-lifting for my brand?

Yep, one of us has a cold here, and it isn't the guest. We apologize in advance for the 'nn's that sound like the 'dd's. Pranoy Thipaiah of Kerehaklu knows something, almost viscerally, that a lot of brand managers, marketing folk, and businesspeople miss- no one hangs out on social media to hear from brands.

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Do I even matter on the internet?

Existential crises aside, we ask this question (and get asked often as well)- do I matter in the larger scheme of (virtual) things?

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