The Damm Good Marketing Podcast


How do I make my content go viral?

CRED ads are a cult of their own, but how do you really go viral like they did? Should you indulge in moment marketing? Should you write blogs? Build case studies? We answer these questions and many more in this episode.

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Why are my ad campaigns just not working!?

B2B performance marketing is wildly different from B2C, and yet we often interchange the two, to no avail. Here’s what we think- use the creative stimulus and fun of a B2C campaign, and focus laser-sharp on your target audience the way world-class B2B businesses usually do.

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How much growth is too much growth?

"We need better numbers." Have you heard this before? So have we. Let’s get logical about how much growth businesses actually need. Building a pipeline is not optional, and that’s the basis for why an entire marketing function exists at all, but how much is necessary, really?

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Since when did marketing become such a chore?

It was supposed to be about jingles and fun creatives. Marketing and advertising were a welcome respite from the mundanity of everyday life. Today, can we put the fun back in marketing? Can we still get the results we want, while continuing to have fun? We think so, yes.

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Illustrations by Tanaya Parkhi. Content by, well, us.