The Damm Good Marketing Podcast


Everyone seems to be on LinkedIn. But what about me?

After avoiding the subject for as long as possible (no we're just kidding, we've been dying to do an episode on LinkedIn), Subha and Hasita wade into the realm of social media. And what better place to start, than with the world's largest professional networking platform?

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Am I building a business, or building a website?!

If you want to find out how successful a marketing team will be in the future, get them all to agree on how to go about building a website.

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Do I really need someone else to tell my brand's story?

Well here's a super-common question we get asked- if we don't really know our story, how can we count on a consultant to tell us? Personally, we've grappled with this question quite a bit, too. However, having sat in on several brand strategy workshops now, we've come to understand that the role of a brand strategist is quite like that of a therapist

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Why does my ideal customer not care about me?

Often, our best efforts to engage prospects fail because we don’t understand the real-world context of a client. We group them by age, by gender, by location and income, but never enough by their interests, their drivers, or their everyday pain points. In this episode, Andrei Zinkevich tells us how to get our ICP right.

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Illustrations by Tanaya Parkhi. Content by, well, us.